KoЯn - Life Is Peachy original 1996 Vinyl LP Korn

Amongst all of the vinyl fuzz, say hello to our newest family member - Vera-Li!

Deftones - Diamond Eyes 2010 Vinyl LP

Smashing Pumpkins - Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness Limited Numbered Vinyl LP Edition #3226
So, within a couple of weeks there will be some HEAVY weight vinyl up on your favourite page - the Bloggzilla page. First off is the Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness original 1996 numbered 3LP. This' like my third numbered MC&IS vinyl ever! My previous numbers were #11622 and #4844. That's not bad, since these sweeties tend to sell for $300-400 on eBay.
As you should know, but many of you probably don't is that the first pressing of this classic album on vinyl was initially limited to 5000 individually numbered copies worldwide. Later on, numbers up to 20.000 have been confirmed.
However, the only legit and official copy of this album is the ones with the WHITE BOX down the right corner. It's believed to be that the numbered copies (yes, up to #20.000) were pressed first and on later pressings the WHITE BOX remained empty. THESE ARE THE ONLY LEGIT RELEASES on vinyl of MC&IS. Having stated this one zillion times, but STILL the fake ones are sold for an incredibly expensive ammount on various sites.
Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness record guide (let's settle this once for all)
White box (numbered/unnumbered) - LEGIT
No box (red/yellow/clear brown vinyl) - FAKE (Buy ONLY if you like to be fucked with)
The Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness 3LP was only pressed in the UK.

Deftones - Adrenaline + Saturday Night Wrist - Limited Hot Topic Vinyl LP

KoЯn - Korn Blind 10" Original Limited 1994 Vinyl

James Iha - Look To The Sky 2012 Vinyl LP

Silversun Pickups - Neck Of The Woods (2012)